SLS Emergency Contact

Use of this form/defeniton of emergency contact
SLS defines an emergency as services required in the next 12 hours.
   For services needed later than 12 hours, please use our standard request form
Use of this form for non-emergency contacts is prohibited!
SLS does not guarentee services with less than 3 business days of notice, but we will try our best.
Contact Information
Organization / Group Name
   Please include your message. If possible include a complete description of the event or problem. In particular, please note the following:
— When services are needed.
— Where services are needed.
— Budget / Payment info.
— Specific equipment requests, if any.
Use of this form/definition of emergency contact
SLS defines an emergency as services required in the next 12 hours.
   For services needed later than 12 hours, please use our standard request form
Use of this form for non-emergency contacts is prohibited!
SLS does not guarentee services with less than 3 business days of notice, but we will try our best.
      I Confirm that this message needs to be handled in the next 12 hours and that services are not guaranteed
Terms and Conditions
Please review our Terms and Conditions; they are in place to protect both SLS and our clients.
   Rentals: Terms and Conditions
   Events: Terms and Conditions
Once you have reviewed them, select the box below confirming you have read and agree to the conditions stated at the above links.
      I Agree